There's something I long for as Spring is about to make it's appearance once again. There's a longing to see the dormant gray limbs bud with green leaves and to see flowers push up thorough the dirt. Spring gives a renewed energy and strength which moves me to a renewed excitement about what God has planned next.
Spring speaks gently but profoundly of what God does in our hearts. When we move away from him our hearts can become like dry gray limbs. When we move towards God he renews our hearts to bud and fully bloom. King David asked God to make his heart clean. He asked God to renew a steadfast spirit within him. God heard David's request and brought renewal. God promises an unexplainable renewal of our hearts . In 2 Corinthians 4 we are told not to lose heart. We are told God is renewing us daily. We may feel like we are in a dormant season. We can keep praying and studying God's Word. We can keep spending time with encouragers to our faith. Spring WILL come. God will bring a renewal in our hearts! Spring is on it's way!
Renew your Spring Wardrobe with The True You
1. Schedule a Encouraging Color and Style Consultation
2. Schedule a Pampering Skincare Session
3. Pick out a new lipstick